

Hello and welcome to my toy website documenting a selection of scripts and programs I have written over the years

Some of these scripts are old and may only be updated sporadically to keep them working with more modern browsers

I cannot guarantee that things will continue to work, there will become a point where something will simply stop working and nothing will revive it

JS Solitaire

June 2024: New updated code

This is the first game I wrote in Javascript - it is based on a counter board game where you have to try and remove all of the counters apart from one left in the middle square.

New for 2022 - I have updated the HTML code.

Play the game

PHP Split Number

This is a PHP class I wrote to split up a long number into an array of smaller numbers.

It takes any number of digits and splits it into parts so that each part does not exceed a given maximum number.

It is available to download from PHP classes

Try out this example script

Traffic Lights

This is a script I wrote as proof of concept for an Arduino project to recreate traffic light sequences

Check out this sample output

Number Plates

A PHP program I wrote to look up the location and year of registration of a vehicle registered in the UK using the new number plates.

Check out your number plate today!!


This project has been released and is available for download from PHP Classes

A working example is available from here


This program is an XML RSS reader that processes XML RSS feeds and then displays them on a page.

The number of post to display and how much of each post to display can be configured.
How the program outputs the posts can also be configured.

The configuration of the output can be hand-coded into the script, or by using a function supplied in the class, the output can be configured on a per-visitor basis

RSSread is avilable to download from the PHP Classes website

The example page for RSSread can be found here
This page shows the usage of RSSread using a function provided in the base class

Computer Details

No longer available to download

This is a simple program that displays the details of your computer

Main Screen

This program is no longer available to download but you can still view an overview of the program here

Javascript Coders

This is a selection of basic scripts used to encode and decode messages

My Unicode Coder
A simple javascript coder that encodes text to Unicode
My Unicode Code as you Type
This is a simple coder that encodes text into Unicode as you type
My Morse Coder as you type
A simple javascript coder to encode text to Morse code as you type
The Coder
The Decoder
This is my own attempt at writing my own encoder and decoder.

Javascript for Fun

This is a random selection of javascripts for fun. These have now all been updated.
I changed all the html to current standards and only tweaked the scripts enough to get them working again.

I have completely rewritten the scripts for Sesame Street and Mystery Calculator.

It's a Foonie!
The script is based on a silly little toy. You pull his tail and his eyes flash in anger grr!
Find out which Sesame Street character you are
This is one of my earliest scripts and was spread out over 8 different files.
These scripts have been updated, and although the scripts are almost unrecognisable, functionally it works the same way.
BackGround Changer
A silly little script, select a light bulb, flip the switch and see how bright it makes the page!
Alphabet thing
This script picks a word beginning with a randomly chosen letter.
A Mystery Calculator
This scripthas been extensively updated. It is based on one of those mystery calculators you find in Christmas crackers.
Here’s some Leaping Sheep
Go on relax and watch some sheep jump across the screen
The weather Chooser
An early experiment using frames. This might not work for everyone as frames have now been dropped in favour of using iframes.
Rapid BGCOLOR Changer
This is the only remaining script from the fake virus scripts, and is an early iteration for my own fake virus script.
This script rapidly changes the background colour of the page, chosen at random from a list of colours.

Time and Date

A selection of javascripts displaying the time

BackWards Clock
The is a clock that runs backwards, and the date counts down from the end of the year.
This has been completely rewritten, as the original one didn\'t work as intended.
Quartz Clock
A simple little image based clock modelled on a quartz clock.
Slide Time
This is a fun little moving numbers clock.
12 Hour Time Slider
24 Hour Time Slider
This is a pair of clocks based on a sliding rule, or a horizontal clock. One for 12 hour time, and one for 24 hours,